Creating CRUDs for your Eloquent models has never been easier. Use Backpack for Laravel to create admin panels for your projects, and see why thousands of developers love it. Start with our FREE and open-source version right now, then get 25% DISCOUNT if you purchase before the end of September 2022. Just use this coupon code at checkout.
Expires October 01st, 2022
Offer code: LARACONONLINE2022

Battle Ready Laravel is a guide to auditing, testing, fixing, and improving your Laravel applications.
It contains over 220 pages of content, and is full of real-life examples and actionable advice that you can start using right away in your projects.
To celebrate Laracon Online, you can use the discount code provided to get 30% off the ebook's price!
It contains over 220 pages of content, and is full of real-life examples and actionable advice that you can start using right away in your projects.
To celebrate Laracon Online, you can use the discount code provided to get 30% off the ebook's price!
Expires October 01st, 2022
Offer code: LARACON30

Process experts reside in every department. They want an easy-to-use, yet robust process automation technology that can be quickly adapted and customized as enterprise processes change. Drag and drop tasks and decision points on to the modeling canvas, and then add in your forms, users and data connectors.

A special offer for all Laracon attendees: Get 50% off your first month of Scout APM when you deploy by Oct 1st. Use promo code SAVE50 to claim your discount upon signup!
Expires October 01st, 2022
Offer code: SAVE50

Get $100 off every job listing you post to the official Laravel job board at LaraJobs!
Expires October 12th, 2022
Offer code: summer22

Join our weekly Laravel newsletter for a chance to win a lifetime membership to Laravel Daily's Teachable courses - a $129 /year value!
We will select three winners on September 30th.
We will select three winners on September 30th.
Expires September 30th, 2022

Get discounts on all Beyond Code products for Laravel and Tailwind CSS developers. Simply go to our digital swag site and get a bundle, renew a license or shop the tool that you miss in your Beyond Code developer tool belt.
The discount gets applied automatically.
The discount gets applied automatically.
Expires September 21st, 2022
Offer code: applied automatically
Flare - Laravel Error Tracking
We're offering a 30% discount for first-time customers on their first 3 months of Flare, the error tracker tailored for Laravel.
Expires October 01st, 2022
Laravel Core Adventures
Get a -15% discount of Laravel Core Adventures, a video course for every Laravel developer who wants to know how Laravel works under the hood to become more efficient while using it. Level up as a Laravel developer now.
Expires October 31st, 2022
Laravel Security In Depth
Get 25% off your Laravel Security In Depth subscription, and learn everything you've ever wanted to know about keeping your Laravel apps secure. You'll receive weekly tips and In Depth emails aimed at all skill levels, plus learn to hack our intentionally vulnerable web app.
Expires September 30th, 2022
Offer code: laracon22summer
Mastering PhpStorm
Get a -15% discount on Mastering PhpStorm, a video course for the state-of-the-art PHP developer who wants to work efficiently and successfully in a beautiful IDE.
Expires October 31st, 2022
MySQL for Developers video course
Sign up to hear about the completely free MySQL for Developers video course! Learn everything you need to know about MySQL from a developer's perspective.
Expires December 01st, 2023